Mah Bound Lotus - Mahankirn Kaur

The Bound Lotus Kriya is also known as Baddha Padmasana or psychic union pose. It has roots in Kundalini, Ashtanga, and Hatha Yoga. In Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, Bound Lotus is held for up to 31 minutes, providing many physical, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits to the practitioner.

Bound Lotus is a restorative posture and it engages the entire body by binding it into the symbol of infinity. The legs are in full-lotus with the arms crossed behind the back, hands holding the toes with the forehead on the ground. This specific poasture and meditation is also seen as Seat of Awareness, allowing you to merge into the spirit realm where all healing is possible.

MahBoundLotus - The Bound Lotus Manual by Mahankirn Kaur prepares for the Bound Lotus posture, gives detailed explanations and shows the benefits which have been reported as follows:

• Helps enhance physical flexibility. The ankles, knees, legs and spine gain increased mobility.
• Helps open up the shoulders and hips.
• Helps to improve the digestive system.
• Helps to strengthen the immune and nervous systems.
• Helps to open the flow and clear the Chakras.

The Bound Lotus manual includes the following chapters:
• Warm-ups
• How to use props
• Specific stretches
• Modifications
• How to get in and out of Bound Lotus
• What to do before and after Bound Lotus
• How to focus the eyes, tongue and breath
• Advanced postures
• Yogi Bhajan quotes and more!

Format: A4, spiral bound.
80 pages, with many photographs and illustrations. Language: English.

ISBN: 978-3-941566-51-4
Recommnended retail price: 24,95 €.