Nasal cleansing pot ceramic, small

Jala Neti is the original Sanskrit-description for the cleansing of the nasal area. In India, this traditional ayurvedic procedure is known and higly valued for thousands of years. In the ancient vedic scriptures, Jala Neti is described as the daily cleansing of the nasal area by using a nasal cleansing pot. It is a very effective method to provide relief from any common irregularity in the nasal area. The Jala Neti-procedure helps in relieving imbalances and facilitates in maintaining youthfulness.

Instructions for use:
Fill the Neti Nasal Cleansing Pot with warm, slightly salted water. Avoid jodine-enriched salt and ideally use only good and natural salt without any additions such as himalaya crystal salt or pure sea salt. The concentration of salt is about 1 % (meaning 2,5 gms. salt on 1/4 ltr. water). Insert the spout of the nasal cleansing pot into one nostril. The position of the head and the nasal cleansing pot are adjusted to allow the water to flow out of the other nostril. Breathe relaxedly through the mouth during the procedure.

This technique is not as hard or uncomfortable as one may think at first. You will be pleasantly surprised at this simple and effective method of health maintenance. Once learnt, the practice can be done in about 3 minutes and is easily integrated into a daily routine of body cleansing such as showering or cleaning of the teeth.

Content capacity: ca. 100 ml.
Diameter of the end of the spout: ca. 12 mm.
Comes in a nice box, incl. description in german and english.

EAN: 4260110015028.
Recommended retai price: 5,95 €.