Adi Shakti, Power of Love - Gurudass Kaur CD

The Adi Shakti Mantra, also called Kundalini Bhakti Mantra, attunes us to the frequency of the Divine Mother and focuses entirely on the original protective energy. Chanting the Adi Shakti Mantras can eliminate fears and fulfill desires!

Atma, the source's spark inside, longs for union with Paramatma, the source of everything. It is about opening yourself to the power of this unconditioned and superconscious experience of love. This is the Kundalini energy, our creative and spiritual potential that rests at the foot of the spine until it awakens.

Gurudass Kaur presents here a new version of the popular Adi Shakti Mantra as a single with much devotion, and carried by that yearning aspiration of the soul for union with the Divine Beloved.

Adi Shakti, The Power of Love has been the daily All-Camp Meditation at the European Kundalini Yoga Festival 2018 in France.

View the Celestial Communication-Meditation of the Festival to this Mantra on YouTube:

Adi Shakti - the Power of Love - Video with Gurudass Kaur

Adi Shakti - 11 minutes meditation (12:22)
Adi Shakti - 31 minutes meditation (33:06)

EAN 4260110012379
Recommended retail price: 9,95 €