Beads of Truth - Perlen der Wahrheit - Yogi Bhajan

Like no other, Yogi Bhajan understood and mastered the art of sutra: casting complex contexts into the word-wisdom and pun of two- or three-lineers, with the one goal to prepare people for the new life here and now, and for opening up the consciousness to all aspects of the Aquarian Age. His own words are masterful and beautiful, made for a generation of yoga practitioners and teachers, as well as for all those seeking inspiration and spiritual guidance.

In a clear thematic and alphabetical listing, you will find unique spiritual wisdom and pragmatic yogic knowledge for all areas of life that can provide clarity and uplifting orientation especially for present and future challenges our "Aquarian Age".

This is the revised and expanded new edition and the synopsis of the former popular books In the Name of the Cosmos and Aquarian Alphabet - the most extensive collection of quotations and spiritual wisdom of Yogi Bhajan, which in Beads of Truth contain a total of 400 Yoga Sutras.

Soft cover, format 11,4 x 16,5 cm
220 pages
Alphabetical Keyword Directory
Bilingual: English-German
German translation: Sat Hari Singh
ISBN 978-3-941566-19-4
Bound store price (Germany): 10,95 €